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Coaching in Personal and Spiritual Growth

Logo One with your True Self

For years I have struggled with negative feelings, questions and problems. I struggled to find the right way to live casually.

Everything wrong, it was difficult. I had to fight to achieve something.


Although I started looking for answers from the age of 25, went to therapy and hired a coach, it took half a century for the puzzle to come together. I would like to share with you my experiences and acquired knowledge that allowed me to reconnect with my True Self.​

What are you looking for?

Perhaps you've been searching for answers to existential questions your whole life, constantly struggling with financial difficulties, experiencing burnout, facing health issues, trying things repeatedly but they just won't work out, finding your relationships failing repeatedly, or simply feeling lost.


Do you feel like you're stuck? That, no matter what you've tried before, you keep falling back into negative habits and can't break free, constantly feeling emotionally imbalanced?


Whatever it may be, don't despair! The "One with your True Self" method, a coaching model in personal and spiritual development, provides answers to your questions and guides you towards a happier and more balanced life.


By unraveling your behavior, emotions, shifting negative thought patterns, and resolving your stuck emotions, we pave the way for healing your emotional baggage. Additionally, we also focus on fostering a healthy, natural, and sustainable lifestyle, and ensure mental peace and relaxation with powerful relaxation and meditation exercises that reconnect you with your deepest core, your True Self.

"The Soul always knows what to do to heal itself.
The challenge is to silence the mind."

Caroline Myss

Book “The Power of being One with your True Self”

From my personal and professional experience, I developed the "One with your True Self" Coaching Method. This forms the basis for my first book "The Power of Being One with your True Self".


The book is a guide to healing that leads to the connection with your True Self, the gateway to a conscious, happy, and abundant life. It provides answers to existential questions, shows the path to expanded consciousness, and offers solutions for people with obstructive, stuck emotions and negative thought patterns.

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My approach

The essence of my work is to facilitate your self-development and spiritual growth by guiding you

to identify your key challenges so you can tackle them with confidence.

Only then can you fully embrace who you are and live a happier, healthier life.


The “One with your True Self” Method, a Coaching Model in Personal and Spiritual Development, consists of several steps: ​

1. Putting together your blueprint. A first search for your True Self.

2. Awareness and understanding of the factors that influence your behavior.

3. Healing your stuck emotions and shifting negative thought systems.

4. Conscious living with a natural lifestyle.

5. Connecting with your body and Heart-Soul Connection.

6. Manifesting your new future.

7. Your mission in this life. ​

Are you interested in the “One with your True Self” Method?

I offer various programs to guide you on your path.



Basic Online Coaching Program

The "One with your True Self" Coaching Program

is available as an Online Program

that you complete independently. 


Retreats - Program on location

Take your suitcase and stay a week with Niki and Johan in Murcia, Spain. You can follow here an introduction to the "One with your True Self" Coaching Program with personal support in a quiet environment.


Online programma

Individual Sessions

Do you have unanswered questions, do you struggle with emotions, do you constantly worry, are you stuck in your thinking, do you no longer know which way to go, are your relationships failing? An Individual Coaching Session offers help!


1-on-1 Online Coaching Program

The “One with your True Self” Coaching Program 

is also available as a 1-on-1 Online Coaching Program under Niki's guidance.


THE EMOTION CODE - Energy Healing
Individual Healing Sessions

Each of us has emotional baggage that is energetically held in our bodies. Do you want to remove your emotional baggage? An Emotion Code Healing Session offers help!


For adults, children and animals.​


Free Intake Session

Are you not sure which method is best for you? Book a Free Intake Call. Together we look at the possibilities, we will investigate which method 

offers you a suitable solution!


Boeddha beeld

Benefits of the
'One with your True Self' Coaching Program.

Connecting with your True Self

  • ensures mental and physical balance

  • cultivates the development of your intuition and intuitive languages

  • heals your emotional bagage

  • expands your consciousness, your view of the world

  • gives you self confidence

  • creates  a deep emotional connection in your relationships

  • creates a deep connection with all living things

  • develops your compassion

  • lets you sail on the waves of life

  • opens new doors, possibilities in your life

  • helps you to achieve your goals

  • helps you fulfill your mission in life

  • makes you free

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From chaos to flow
Gecertificeerd Emotion Code practitioner

The Emotion Code
Energetic healing of stuck emotions

The Emotion Code is a simple and effective technique for clearing emotional baggage.

Emotional blockages, which have become trapped in our bodies in the form of energy balls, are identified and resolved. These emotional blockages arise from the incomplete processing of deep emotions during and after traumatic experiences.

Once the blocked emotions are removed, the healing process can begin.

It is not the therapist who heals the client! By removing the blockages, the client's body can heal itself once again.



When I told Niki one morning that I didn't understand at all what was going on with our dog Simba, he had suddenly become so sweet and affectionate, she immediately smiled. The previous day she had given him an Emotion Code Session. I thought the result was astonishing. Simba is a shelter dog we adopted when he was 13 months old. He had undergone many traumatic experiences such as physical abuse by his previous owners, which left him somewhat suspicious. Now we have a dog who has completely blossomed, who is super sweet and happy! Johan B.​

More Online Programs

In addition to the "One with your True Self" online program, I already offer a first online program that delves even more deeply into a theme from the program.

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About Niki


Since 2015, I have been active as a Developmental Coach and guide people on their path to enable them to overcome their most challenging obstacles and live a happier and healthier lifestyle. ​

As a certified Emotion Code Practitioner (energy work), I help you remove emotional baggage that has accumulated in your body over the years. This emotional baggage consists of unprocessed emotions that can block the functioning of your body both physically and mentally.

By removing these stuck emotions you can reconnect with your True Self and live freely and unencumbered the full life you were meant to live from the beginning.


My mission is to create balance in the lives of others by helping them connect their powerful brain and heart-soul connection.​

Get in touch

Camino Ermita Nueva de la Escucha 85, 30813 La Escucha, Purias, Lorca, Spain

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