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E-Book “The power of being One with your True Self”


During a turbulent and traumatic childhood and later a series of failed relationships, Niki suffered various forms of abuse and encountered mystical experiences that made her reflect on the meaning of life.

"The Power of Being One with Your True Self," her first book, uniquely portrays her life journey, immersing the reader in challenging circumstances through the fictional story of Elisabeth, a courageous young woman

searching for herself.

In addition, the book gives extensive attention to the "One with Your True Self" coaching method - developed by Niki, based on her life experiences and professional knowledge - which guides the reader on their path to a happy, healthy, and balanced life.

The Power of Being One with Your True Self is a guide to healing that leads to connecting with your true self, providing access to a conscious, happy, and abundant life. The book offers an answer to existential questions, a solution for people with limiting stuck emotions and negative thought systems, and shows the path to expanded consciousness.

Content book

The book is divided into 7 parts, through which the reader gains deeper knowledge about the following


◦ Assembling your blueprint. An initial search for yourTrue Self.

◦ Becoming aware of and understanding the factors that influence your behavior.

◦ Healing stuck emotions and transforming negative thought systems.

◦ Living consciously with a natural lifestyle.

◦ Connecting with your body and Heart-Soul connection.

◦ Manifesting your new future.

◦ Your mission in life.


An educational journey supported by:

◦ a fictional story that clearly illustrates how external factors and traumatic experiences influence our emotions, thoughts and behaviors, with explanatory information about the mentioned behavioral and developmental disorders;

◦ coaching exercises in self-development and reflection;

◦ tips and recipes for a natural lifestyle;

◦ QR-codes guiding you to the website with audios for relaxation and meditation exercises;

◦ a complete step-by-step plan for your new beginning.


PDF or Kindle Epub

Book with a step-by-step plan, audios for meditation and relaxation exercises, tips for a natural lifestyle, recipes, colorful quotes, coaching exercises, and more...


Price 11,95€ 

Illustrations Laura Bertrands -
Image by Drew Dizzy Graham


My spouse and I have both read the book. You come face to face with yourself, and it touches you emotionally on a very deep level, grabbing you by the throat. At times, I had to put the book aside to process everything. It certainly deals with a subject that carries emotional weight and also requires some adjustment to fully dive into the topic. We are not so used to talking about ourselves or being so consciously aware of ourselves. The book provides clarity on how we want to stand in life.

I wanted to share this. We find what you have created to be truly impressive.


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Live testimonial during webinar

The English version of the book is only available in e-book.

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