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Healing stuck emotions with The Emotion Code

a simple form of Energy Healing

The Emotion Code is a simple form of energy healing created by Dr. Bradley Nelson, an American chiropractor. 

His book “The Emotion Code” was first published in 2007.

Years ago I came into contact with this form of energy healing. It's only been a while since I started looking more into it.

This technique turned out to be the missing link in my service package.

Emotions and traumatic experiences

From chaos to flow

Emotions are energy. Every emotion has its own vibration or vibration   frequency. When we experience certain emotions such as sadness or

   anger for a long time, these emotions become stuck in our body and will 

    affect us for the rest of our lives. 

     For example, intense emotions that we experience during traumatic     

      experiences will get stuck in our body in the form of an energetic ball.

       They are invisible yet they are still there. These blockages disrupt the

       functioning of our energetic body and its physical tissue around it. This

      causes physical complaints such as:

     pain and illness, and blockages in the flow of our life energy or Chi. 

    These stuck emotions can take a heavy emotional toll and have an impact

   on your way of thinking, of making your choices, your general well-being

  and your chances of success in life. Think about certain emotions that are easily triggered because they have remained unprocessed in your body.

A few examples

  • For example, you were involved in a car accident that left you feeling anxious in the car for years to come.

  • You used to be humiliated by someone many times, but since then you have become defensive at the slightest rejection.


Everyone has such emotional baggage, it is the cause of many physical complaints, chronic pain and chronic diseases. Probably 90% of our complaints arise from these blockages. This is because each of our organs also has its own vibration. These vibrations are often linked to the vibrations of emotions. For example, the vibration of the lungs resonates with fear, the vibration of the liver and bile with abandonment, rejection, etc. Chronic pain or illness can be an indication of the emotional vibration associated with the organ. Consider the colloquially known statements such as “a broken heart”, “eat your liver”, which are related references.

Causes for energetic blockages


- Traumatic experiences that you experience during your life

- Stuck Emotions that you brought with you from past lives

- Stuck Emotions that have been passed down in your family for generations.

- A traumatic experience that you suffered in the womb

- Emotions from trauma that you absorbed from people around you


For example, you may have the same eyes or nose as your grandmother, but you may also inherit the spirited character or an attached emotional energy such as anger from your ancestors. Experience shows that blocked emotions can be passed down for up to 20 generations. 

The Emotion Code

The Emotion Code is a simple and effective technique to get rid of emotional baggage.

By making contact with our subconscious emotional blockages can be detected and then resolved. After all, our subconscious stores all the information about our entire life, every second, every feeling, every meeting, every memory. Once the blocked emotions have been removed, the healing process can begin.

It is not the therapist who heals the client! By removing the blockages the client's body can heal itself again. The Emotion Code is an additional technique that only releases blocked emotions. Always consult a doctor or therapist for any form of physical or mental illness.

The key to the Mistery of Life.png

A heart wall

We all have to deal with patterns, defense mechanisms that we develop to protect ourselves. These ensure that we will not be so deeply hurt from now on. Many people build a wall around their heart to protect themselves, a heart wall. This wall consists of stuck emotions acquired during traumatic experiences.

Layer by layer, just like an onion, these were built up over years.

When we remove this heart wall you can experience deeper emotions again, a weight is lifted from your shoulders, you can breathe and truly love again. Even some physical problems may be linked to this heart wall. These disappear after dissolution of the heart wall.

How does The Emotion Code work?

First, it is examined whether the client is struggling with blocked emotions. Positive or negative answers to questions are recorded on the basis of a simple muscle test. The stuck emotion is then searched by using a map that lists all types of emotions. When the stuck emotion is identified, a magnet or the fingertips of the hand are rubbed over the main meridian to remove the emotion. This section runs across the crown of the head from the top of the nose to the base of the neck. .

Too crazy for words you might think, too simple. Yes, it is. However, you know that emotions are energy vibrations. When you appeal to this emotion you can magnetically “cancel” it. Just like your bank card strip stops working after you rub it with a magnet.

Stuck emotions an example

I suffered a stuck emotion of anger that was easily triggered when someone gave me the impression that I was not credible. I would become defensive at the slightest provocation. After getting rid of this emotion, this reaction did not occur from the next day. I experienced a calm feeling and had no need to respond to this allegation.


You can also learn this technique yourself and easily remove your stuck emotions yourself. You can read all about it in the book “The Emotion Code” by Bradley Nelson. 

The advantage of this technique is that it can also be performed remotely by telephone or videocon by certified E-code healers. 






Na een Emotion Code Sessie heeft onze hond zich van de ene dag op de andere helemaal opengesteld!

Hij is veel aanhankelijker geworden en vertoont meer zelfvertrouwen.


Erna V.

Tijdens de Emotion Code sessie kwamen heel wat vastzittende emoties, gekoppeld aan bepaalde gebeurtenissen, naar boven waarvan ik dacht dat ze reeds verwerkt waren.

Marc W.

Na een Emotion Code Sessie voelde ik mij enorm bevrijd van het schuldgevoel dat al zoveel jaren op mij  had gewogen. 

For whom ?


Emotion Code




The Emotion Code works for everybody
Children, with parental consent
Animals, with it's owners consent

Choose your new start today

Price per Session of 30 min 25,00€

Dr. Bradley Nelson tells you more about The Emotion Code,
stuck emotions and a heart wall.

Niki Nelissen - Certified Emotion Code Practitioner

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